Does Your Website Really Need a Terms & Condition Page?

Jul 26, 2021

The short answer is: you are not required by law to have one but you probably should! 

This contract tells your users how they are allowed to use your website. In this digital age, your website is your brick and mortar storefront and the Terms and Conditions are the rules by which customers must abide by when entering your store. By having a Terms and Conditions Agreement on your website, you set the legal expectations for your website users. The best part is, customers automatically agree to the Terms and Conditions just by simply using your website and/or any of your social media platforms! Yes, you read that correctly. The Terms and Conditions Agreement on your website can also be the user’s rule book for your social media. Social media, such as Instagram and TikTok, are rented marketing platforms that enable you to advertise your services and/or products that reside on your website. Think about how much you post on your website and social media…That’s a lot, right?! So, you need to protect it!

Having a Terms and Conditions Agreement will protect you by telling your users what they can and cannot do on your website! A Terms and Conditions Agreement will limit your liability, address issues of copyright and intellectual property rights, terms of use for products or downloads, and disclaim that the information on your website is not professional advice.

WITHOUT the Terms and Conditions Agreement you could be subject to users:

  • Trying to copy or sell your material or products
  • Demanding unnecessary refunds 
  • Expecting guaranteed results 
  • Expecting absolute privacy when browsing your website 
  • Expecting you to be providing professional advice
  • Holding your company responsible for information provided by linked third-party websites and social media pages 
  • Holding your company liable for any published comments from website users or advertised testimonials
  • Holding your company to a higher standard than legally required

This is a dangerous and reckless position to put yourself in – especially considering how hard you work to make your small business thrive.

To avoid any of the above, grab our Terms and Condition Agreement!

WITH a Terms and Conditions Agreement you set the ground rules that:

  • You OWN rights to all the material posted and products advertised on your website and that users CANNOT copy or sell any of your material or products 
  • Refunds will NOT be granted for any products or services (electronic or otherwise)
  • Results suggested by the company are NOT guaranteed
  • Any information the user shares with the website directly or indirectly will NOT be treated as confidential or privileged
  • Any information provided by the Company is not professional advice – it is just that – INFORMATION
  • You are not responsible for any information, materials, or content from linked third party websites or companies.
  • You reserve the right to remove, block, or delete any published comments that may be of a bullying or negative nature
  • You have the right, with permission from clients, to post testimonials and reserve the rights to those testimonial for marketing purposes
  • The user of the website CANNOT hold the company liable for any damage, content, information or use of products or services.
By having a Terms and Conditions Agreement, you are engaging in preventative law! 

Preventative law is relatively inexpensive and necessary! Setting up your business the LEGAL and SMART way from the start will set you on the right track to grow and be that successful businesswoman we ALL know you can be!!

You have worked too hard to be in a stressful legal and economic position. That is not boss energy!

If you are looking for overall website coverage, take a peek at our Website Protection Bundle and don’t forget to follow us @contractsforentrepreneurs!

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