

Can my Contractor Steal my Clients?

Can my Contractor Steal my Clients?

What is a Non-Solicitation Clause and Does My Independent Contractor Agreement Need One? Congratulations, you are building a business that is getting busy enough for you to...

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Email Marketing Compliance and CASL

Email Marketing Compliance and CASL

Thinking about sending marketing emails but wondering if you are breaking spam laws? Here’s what you need to know.Why we always recommend gathering emails Social media is...

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Is Your Website Legal?

Is Your Website Legal?

How to Determine If You Are in the Clear. Websites are a strong part of your online presence, we all know that. Maybe you didn’t know there are certain legal aspects that...

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3 Ways A Prenup Protects your Business

3 Ways A Prenup Protects your Business

How marriage, separation, and divorce can put your business at risk: The following blog is written by Katherine Denkers, a Lawyer called to the Bar of Ontario. This blog is...

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